Covid-19 Pandemic: Effect of ICT on SMEs Performance in Jos North Plateau State
This paper examines the effect of ICT on Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) performance in Jos North during the covid-19 era. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A total sample size of 186 SMEs was drawn from a population of 360 SMEs using Krejcie and Morgan's (1970) table for sample determination. Out of the 186 copies of a questionnaire administered, 170 were properly completed and returned while 16 were rejected on the grounds of some irregularities in their completion. Responses collected from the administration of the questionnaire were computed using simple arithmetic mean and regression analysis that allows for decision-making. Findings from the study showed that ICT has a significant effect on the performance of SMEs in Jos North during the covid-19 period. The study, therefore, recommended that all owners/managers of SMEs in Jos North should prioritize the adoption and use of ICT in all their business operations even after the covid-19 era. Owners/managers of SMEs should consider the type of ICT available, reliable infrastructure, perceived benefits of ICT, and ICT skilled staff when deciding on the adoption of ICT. Owners/managers of SMEs should consider financial limitations, unreliable infrastructure, lack of skilled ICT staff, perceived attitude toward ICT, etc as factors that inhibit the adoption of ICT.
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