The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of health locus of control and self-esteem on body image satisfaction in a cohort of emerging adults. Participants were 371 female and male undergraduate students. The questionnaire contained measures of health locus of control (MHLC), self-esteem (RSES) and body image dissatisfaction (BSQ-8C). Mean age of respondents was 18.58. Males differed from females in their experience of body image dissatisfaction with females reporting higher dissatisfaction levels (t (371) = -5.58, p < .01). Of all subscales of HLC, only CHLC significantly influenced the experience of body dissatisfaction. There was a joint influence of self-esteem and HLC, with both variables accounting for 15% of variance on the experience of body dissatisfaction F (4, 366) = 6.22, p<.05, R2 =0.15). These findings support the proposals from health professionals that body image dissatisfaction arise from a complex interplay of individual characteristics and social factors. In particular, the findings highlight the need for future research examining these variables in young adults outside academic settings.
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