Oluwadare Oladipo OGUNTOMISIN


This paper sets out to use the blend of interactional theory, family communication patterns theory as well as primary socialization theory to theorize the trajectory of juvenile delinquency. The paper argues that a possible trajectory of juvenile delinquency may be one which proceeds from the manner in which parents communicate with their juvenile children and terminates with the influence of “peer cluster”. Based on the propositions of family communication theory, the author argues that conformity orientation will engender a lack of attachment or bond with parents which will predispose a child to having his or her peers as dominant source of influence in his or her life. Primary socialization theory suggests that a gap between parents and juveniles enables a social environment for peer clusters to dictates the outcome of such juveniles. On the bases of primary socialization theory, the paper submits a conceptual framework to work out a theoretical pathway for juvenile delinquency.


Family Communication, Juvenile delinquency, Juveniles, Peer cluster, Parents

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