Associating Basic Needs Insecurities with Academic Progress and Subjective Well-Being among Undergraduates



Despite Nigeria's economic challenges, less research has been conducted on the several dimensions of students' Basic Needs Insecurities (BNI). Economic instability and uncertainty can worsen existing vulnerabilities, burden households, and hinder young individuals' ability to afford necessities such as food, shelter, and education. This study assessed the burden of university students' food, housing, and financial insecurity. Additionally, it investigated the relationship between these components of basic needs insecurity and self-reported academic progress, and subjective well-being. Cross-sectional data from 740 undergraduate students were acquired through an online survey in one public and one private university in Edo state, Nigeria. The findings reveal that 57.3% of participants experienced food insecurity, 42.8% reported housing insecurity, and 21% were financially insecure. Older age, male gender, enrolment in a public institution, living off-campus, dependents, lack of financial support from family, and a history of household food insecurity are all significant predictors of basic needs insecurity among surveyed students. Basic needs insecurities were inversely related to participants' academic success and subjective well-being. This study enhances comprehension of the intricacies of basic needs insecurities among undergraduates in Nigeria and emphasizes the significance of systemic interventions to tackle underlying inequities. To promote equitable access to education and support sustainable development in higher education, governments need to address the fundamental needs of students. These findings emphasize the significance of tackling systemic disparities and offering focused assistance to susceptible student populations.


University students, academic achievement, subjective well-being, basic needs insecurities, food insecurity

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